The cartridge holder cover has the function to protect the cartridge holder and the cartridges of the inclemencies of the time. Although I have found several designs, all are very similar, with small differences. The used material was the waxed fabric (to do it impermeable). The fabric colors and type depended than it was possible to be found in the zone where the unit was quartered, although most common they are the black, crude and the white (Until 1820 a specific regulation for the cartridge holders cover does not enter in use).

As100º Reg. servedinSpainand there waseasierto find the crudeandbrown fabric, I’m goingto use  canvasofcrudecolor,withsome white cotton strips of20mminwidth(thatwiththeusewill takeasimilar tone of the canvas).

Let’s go, I am going to make a cover-cartridge holder, it is a relatively simple work and the materials are cheap and easy to find.


These measures are valid for my cartridge holder. You only must follow the steps adapting the measures of your cartridge holder, to each step.

1 – WIDTH: The width of the lapel of my cartridge holder is 280 mm Is necessary to add 50 mm to each side for the return of lateral (+100mm) and 10 mm for the backstitch to each side (+20mm). What it gives to a width 280+100+20=400 mm.
2 – HEIGHT: The height of the lapel of my cartridge holder is of 250 mm (from the base to the strap). I add 50 mm for the return of the base of the lapel and 10 mm for the backstitch (+20mm). This gives to a height 250+50+20=320 mm.
With these measures I will make two patterns of cardboard, a big one of 400×320 mm to cut to the fabric rectangle and another small one of 280×250 mm, it will serve as guide in the preparation.


This part can be done by hand or by machine, the second option saves much time, although it is not essential. It is not necessary either, to have sew knowledge, with knowing how to sew a button is sufficient.

1. Helped with the big pattern, we trimmed a canvas rectangle of 400 x 320 mm.
2.        We make a backstitch of 10 mm in the four sides of the canvas. This way the weave would not fray and the edges would be cleaner. To do this, we doubled the end of each side towards the interior and we sew it. In the corners we will cut the backstitch to 45º, to avoid that the backstitches of both sides mount, each other.

3 – We place the canvas with the backstitches upwards, we located the small pattern centered in the wide side, but aligned to the superior edge of the canvas.

4 – Next, we doubled both lateral towards inside and with some tweezers we held it in the superior part.

5 – We also double the inferior edge towards inside and with some pins we fix the lateral and the inferior returns. We sew the part in which to the lateral return and the inferior are superposed.

We already have finished the main body of our cartridge holder cover.


Once finished the main piece, now we must add the strips, that will serve to hold the cartridge holder cover to the cartridge holder.
1 – In the interior side, I will add two strips among the laterals returns, to maintain them tense and to avoid they open. I cut two strips of the width of cartridge holder cover, 280 mm. I place them equidistant between the superior side and the end of the inferior return. We will always sew the ends of tapes doubled towards the interior to avoid that they fray.


2 – In center of the inferior return I will add a small strip (of about 80 mm), through where we will pass the leather strap that is used to close the cartridge holder.

3 -The following step is to place the tapes that will allow us to hold the cartridge holder cover to the cartridge holder. For it, I’m going to cut two strips of 350 mm and one of 700 mm in length.

4 – This last one, I double it by the half and sew this part centered inside the superior side of the cartridge holder cover. Thus we obtain two strips that go towards the outside of the canvas.

5 – The two strips of 350 mm. I will sew each in one of the ends of the edge superior, to the right and left. Always keep 20 mm to sew them.

6 – At the free end of these strips (the one that is not sewn),i will tie a knot, to avoid that it frays.


The cartridge holder cover is almost finished, it only rest to decide if we are going to add some identification or no. We can leave it empty, and so we gained versatility, but in this case we are going to add to the number of the regiment 100º to him. Also we could add to a grenade or a bugle, for the grenadiers or voltiguers respectively.

1 – I will make a pattern with in 100 in a cardboard (or something similar)


2 -We will place it centered in the front of the cartridge holder cover. With a pencil we marked the 100.

3 – With red painting (for the grenadiers company) and a brush, we filled up the 100 marked in the previous step.

4 -Once dry the painting, we outlined in black the numbers so that they stand out.

5 – We only have to give a fat layer for barbour paste, to do it water resistant.


1 – Slide the lapel of the cartridge holder in the interior of the cartridge holder cover, be careful that the leather strap of the lapel goes through the small tape that we sewed in the inferior return.

2 – We fit the cover-cartridge holder and we passed long strips below each end of the strap. The exteriors towards the interior and the central towards the outside, one towards each side.

3 – Tie a knot over each end of the strap with the strips.

The cartridge holder cove, is finished and already placed. I hope that it will be useful to you.



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